What Are The 7 Sign Miracles in John’s Gospel?

Miracles of Jesus

Jesus did so many miracles during his ministry on earth. The apostle John said that the world could not contain the number of books that could be written about them (John 21:25). Here are 7 of the sign miracles that John wrote in his gospel.

1. Miracle of the wedding in Cana (2:1–12)

This is Jesus first public miracle where he turned water to wine. Not only did Jesus turn water into wine, demonstrating His power over the elements of nature; but this miracle resulted in the best possible version of wine. When Jesus does a work in creation or in someone’s life, his work is going to be the best and complete version.

2. Healing of a Nobleman’s son (4:46–54)

A man from Capernaum traveled to Cana to ask Jesus to come down and heal his son. Jesus said that “unless you people see signs and miracles, you simply will not believe (vs. 48). The man asked again for Jesus to come down to his son. Jesus told the man to go because his son lives. The man believed Jesus’ words without even seeing the miracle. On his way back home, his servant met him and said the son was alive (at the same hour that Jesus said so). This shows that the power of Jesus’ words can even effect over distance and time. Whoever believes in Jesus’ words, nothing is impossible.

3. Healing of a lame man at Bethesda (5:1–17)

Jesus has the power to heal a person who has been sick for a long time (in this case 38 years). Perhaps this man was sick because of a sin (vs. 15). Either way, Jesus healed the man on the Sabbath because the Father is working until now. He is Lord of the Sabbath and shows that it is alright to do good (and even carry one’s pallet) on the Sabbath.

4. Jesus feeds five thousand people with five barley loaves and two fish (6:1–14)

This miracle shows that Jesus has the power over mathematics, physics, and creation. He created more substance from such few resources and distributed to feed 5000 plus people with twelve baskets left over. When Jesus does something, the need is met and there will be an abundance more than we ever could imagine.

5. Jesus walks on the water (6:15–25)

Jesus showed that He had power over the laws of nature by doing the impossible and walking on the water. He also allowed Peter to walk on water for as long as Peter had faith in Jesus to sustain him.

6. Jesus heals a man born blind (9:1–41) 

What is special about this miracle is that Jesus did an act that had never been done before (vs. 32). The blind man’s argument to the Jews was that God only hears those who fear him and do his will. If Jesus was not from God, how could this miracle have happened?

7. Jesus resurrects Lazarus (11:1–46)

In this miracle, Jesus shows that He has the power over death to raise someone from the dead. Jesus’ power and glory is evidence for being sent from the Father. This shows that Jesus came from God and has the power of God to resurrect.

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