Jesus made many claims to be equal with God and to be God. These are the seven “I AM” statements of Jesus where He attributes to Himself the name of God used in Exodus 3:14.

“I Am” the Bread of Life (6:35)
Much like the gift of manna was life-giving to the Israelites’ bodies temporarily; the bread of life, which is Jesus, is life-giving eternally. In John 4:10, Jesus said that this living sustenance is also a gift from God. Those who believe in Jesus to be that life-giving well to drink from, and the bread to sustain them will receive eternal life.

“I Am” the Light of the World (8:12)
The things that are of God’s are “Light.” The things that are of the world are darkness. Those who belong to God do not follow the sinful ways of the world but walk in obedience to God. Those who have the Light of God, also have eternal life.

“I Am” the Door (10:9)
Here, Jesus gives His third “I AM” statement, calling Himself the Door of the sheep pen. The promise is that whoever is a part of the herd (or family), will go in and out and find pasture. God knows who is in this flock, or in the Lamb’s book of Life. These are the people who have come through the only way into His fold (Revelation 13:8; 21:27).

“I Am” the Good Shepherd (10:11)
For those who have accepted Jesus as the Messiah and are in the family of God (written in the book of life), you can confidently go out into the unknown or scary wilderness. The shepherd is there to protect you and lay down His life for you.
You can be fed, nourished, protected, and serve in the community because your Master and protector is present. And in this case, the shepherd did die for the sake of His flock (John 19:30).

“I Am” the Resurrection and the Life (11:25)
Resurrection means: “to come back to life.” For those who believe in Jesus, they will only see death for a moment (3:16). There will be a day when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and live (5:25). The life that Jesus is referring to is everlasting life in Him. For the Father has life in Himself, and the Son has life in Himself (5:26).

“I Am” the Way, the Truth, and the Life (14:6)
Jesus responds with a claim that does away with any option for obtaining eternal life elsewhere. He says that He is the only Way to God the Father, the only Truth about how to obtain eternal life and right relationship with God, and the only Eternal Life possible.

“I Am” the True Vine (15:1)
The branches are the followers of Christ (vs. 5) who is the vine through which all growth flows from. The vine is planted firmly in the ground with its roots running deep. From it flows the nutrients needed to grow and flourish (e.g John 7:38).
The vine grows and spreads as far as the husbandman allows it. Christ’ reach will spread far in the world and His branches will be pruned to produce more fruit. Fruit being everything from displaying the Spirit’s fruit (Galatians 5:22-23), demonstrating God’s grace and mercy in the world, and spreading the Gospel message.
In addition to these 7 “I AM” statements, Jesus also did 7 specific miracles in the book of John to prove He is the God. [You can read the article, here]
If you want to learn more about Jesus and His glory, consider checking out my book “Believe: A Commentary on the Gospel of John“…
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