The Image of God in Man

The Image of God in Man

When God created man in Genesis 1:26, He created him in His own image; but what does it mean to be created in the image of God? Did mankind’s sin in the Garden of Eden disturb the image of God in man. Does man still retain God’s image after the Fall in Genesis 3? This article will discuss this unique aspect of man and will give the implications for why murder, abortion, and euthanasia are wrong.

The Image of God

When God created the creatures on the earth, He simply spoke them into existence and told them to be fruitful and multiply across each of their domains (Genesis 1:20–25). When it came to man being created, God took special care in forming him out of the dust of the earth rather than with spoken word (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:6–7). He blessed him and told him to be fruitful and multiply.


God formed man into the likeness of Himself and breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life. What is significant about God’s personal act here is that it distinguishes man’s life from the rest of living creation. This idea of man being made in the image of God and receiving God’s breath shows that man was created special and with a unique purpose. What, then, is special about being made in the image of God?

If man is made in God’s image, that means that God must be of similar features and characteristics. This does not mean that man is perfect or holds any omni-qualities in which God possesses; but man does have attributes and qualities that are like God’s on a finite scale.


First, man has a body (corporeal). Even though God is Spirit (John 4:24), the idea of a physical body describes man as being a unitary being namely, consisting of body and soul. This construction of material and immaterial is also so that, man can subside on a physical earth and can commune and enjoy God on His level. Man has a body for self-expression of his soul which represents the fitted instrument of the “spiritual body” which the natural body receives (1 Corinthians 15:44).

Man was created innocent but not perfect because he is capable of succumbing to temptation (James 1:14–15). This means that he is not perfect in his natural body but will become perfect with his resurrected/spiritual body. God is already perfect and cannot succumb to temptations or sin (vs. 13).


Second, man is a living being. This should go to reason that God too is a living being. What does it mean to “be” then? Being is more than just existing. To be in the image of God is to possess personality (noncorporeal). Personality is what distinguishes an animal from a human and is manifested through three faculties: intellect, emotion, and will. These three attributes are what God possesses (Job 12:13; Psalm 7:11; 37:13; 147:5; John 6:39; Romans 11:33) as well as angels (Job 38:7; Psalm 8:4–5; Isaiah 14:12–15; Matthew 28:5; Luke 15:10; 1 Peter 1:12; Hebrew 1:16).

Because man has both intelligence and will, he is able to have dominion since he can plan and make decisions.  Therefore, God gave man the authority to have dominion over the earth and subdue it (Genesis 1:28). This means to work and cultivate the land (2:15). It is important to note that God is called LORD God now that man has been created and is under the authority of his creator (1:26; 2:18). God, then, let Adam name the animals and the woman who was created from Adam’s side (2:19–20, 23). Thus, to name something in which a person rules is attributed to God who established the idea of headship.


From the beginning of creation, the Spirit hovered over the earth; and later, walked with man in the garden (Genesis 1:2; 3:8). Mankind was created to have fellowship with God. Man was also given woman in whom to have fellowship with (2:23–24). This all changed; however, from the very beginning of creation.

The Fall

When sin entered the world after the Fall (Genesis 3), it broke the relationship that mankind has with God and hindered the relationship mankind has with each other. This does not mean that a person loses the image of God because he or she are sinful beings. The image of God has to do with having body, personality, and the ability to have fellowship with other beings. Sin put a curse on all three of these areas (3:15–24).  

Sin’s corruption gets worse and worse because God gave mankind over to their lusts and depraved minds (Romans 1:18–32). For this reason, Jesus had to come to earth and die for the atonement of sins to restore the barrier and damage that sin brought between God, mankind, and creation.  

Fellowship is made anew through Christ who is the advocate between mankind and the Father (1 John 2:1–2). It is by believing in what Christ did on the cross that mankind can renew fellowship with God (1 John 1:5–7) and become closer to the perfect image of the Creator once again (Roman 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Colossians 3:10).


Murder gives the idea of a blatant attack on someone rather than distributing kindness. This positive versus negative action shows that there is value to a human life and that it is regarded worthy of positive attribution. Genesis 9:6 demonstrates the importance of God’s image in man by placing it on a type of justice scale. This unique command by God measures the value of human life in terms of equal exchange; “whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man.”

This brings the question to the table: “is it right to take another human’s life?” As already establish by the Creator, the value of a life is so great that to take it bears the consequence of an equal exchange. To attack mankind is to attack God since man is made in His image and God forbade it from being done (Exodus 20:13). The only time that murder was not punishable by death is in accidental manslaughter in which a person could hide in a city of refuge until given a fair trial (Numbers 35). 

What is the difference between murder and killing? The distinction lies in the motive, intent, and justification of the act. Murder happens because of anger, malice, selfishness, and revenge (Genesis 4:1-15; Matthew 5:21-24; Romans 12:19; James 4:1-4; 1 John 3:15). Killing is also the act of ending life but happens in self-defense, protecting innocent lives, or by accident (Genesis 14:14-16; Exodus 2:11-12; 21:12-13; 22:2).


Is it right to murder an innocent baby who is in the womb of his or her mother? Abortions have been on the rise over the past decades. It has been greatly debated about when a fetus is considered a human and up to what point is a mother allowed to murder this growing child. 

On January 24, 2019, New York passed an updated bill which allows the doctor to kill the baby around the 24-week mark. Not even a month later, the Democrats in Vermont passed the H.57 bill which makes abortion a “fundamental right” and can be done at any stage of gestation. Texas passed a legislation, beginning September 2021, that forbids abortion if “standard medical practice” detects a fetal heartbeat.

The depraved human mind is continually becoming more corrupt as it veers away from God and his order of life according to Romans 1:28–32.

Proponents for abortion argue that it should be right for a pregnant mother to abort her child if the pregnancy is harmful to her health. It has even gone as far as the psychological health, not just the physical health of the mother—as seen by the House Bill which Virginia tried to pass. Regardless, the fault does not lie on the baby for the mother’s mental and physical health when it was her decision to follow through the whole sexual process that results in conception. To kill an innocent baby in the womb is murder. Better yet, it is manslaughter and should be punished at the same level of capital punishment (Genesis 9:6).  

The same argument holds true in the case of a rape victim, even though that child was forced upon the mother without her consent. It is a tough emotional reality to face, but God is the avenger (Leviticus 19:18; 1 Thessalonians 4:6), he will punish the wickedness done. The truth of the Bible still stands that it is not mankind’s place to take a life.


Euthanasia comes from the Greek words eu – well, good; and thanatos­­- death. The basic meaning is a “good death” and refers to the intentional killing of a person who is suffering from a terminal illness or an irreversible coma. This idea of “mercy killing” may seem justifiable; but, like suicide, abortion, and murder, it is the act of killing a person on unjust causes according to the laws of the Bible. Only God has the right to take another person’s life and He forbade mankind to do it (Exodus 20:13).  

In Summary 

God created man in His image; but sin distorted the way which man represents that image. Man did not lose the characteristics or faculties that go along with God’s image at the Fall; but fellowship with God and other beings has been disrupted and made difficult. The further that mankind moves from God, the more depraved his mind becomes and leads him to do things that are not morally characteristics of God.  

God strictly forbade murdering another person because man is created in His image. However, mankind has blatantly gone against that rule, and it has led to abortions of innocent babies and the “mercy killings” of those suffering incurably. Both acts are murder and there should be no debate on whether each should be done if placed on God’s scale of justice.

If you want to know the God who created you in his own image and how you can have a relationship with him, check out, The Ultimate Guide to Salvation in Jesus Christ.


Texas State 87th Legislature (TX SB8). May 5, 2021. “Texas Senate Bill NO. 8.”

Virginia’s Legislative Information System. January 4, 2019. “House Bill NO. 2491.”

Valerie Richardson. February 21, 2019. S.v. “Vermont House passes sweeping no-limits abortion legislation.” Washington Times.

Yoav Gonen. January 24, 2019. S.v. “Andrew Cuomo signs bill updating New York’s abortion law.” New York Post.

For Further Study

(Amazon Affiliate links below)

Angels: Elect & Evil – Fred C. Dickason – Buy it here!

Basic Theology – Charles C. Ryrie – Basic Theology. Charles C. Ryrie – Buy it here!

Created in God’s Image – Anthony A. Hoekema – Buy it here!

In the Image of God: A Biblical View of Humanity – William H. Baker – Buy it here!

Systematic Theology: God/Creation, vol.2. — Norman Geisler – Buy it here!