
What is the Logos

What is the Logos?

“In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God” (John 1:1). What did the apostle John mean when he wrote this statement to his audience. When he wrote this, his audience consisted of both Jews and Greeks. He knew that each group understood this Greek word differently.

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What is Apologetics?

What Is Apologetics?

Apologetics is a reasoned argument(s) or writing(s) to justify something, typically a theory or religious doctrine.  As an example, for Christians, it is the defense of our faith. Paul defended himself, his apostleship, and the gospel many times in his ministry. He did this before the Jews, Romans and Greeks (e.g. Acts 21:26-23). There are several passages

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Sanctification is being holy

What Is Sanctification?

Three Aspects to Sanctification There are three main distinctions to sanctification: the positional aspect, the practical aspect, and the ultimate aspect. Each of these stages happen at different times after a person believes in Jesus Christ. This article will discuss what sanctification is and its three differing aspects. Sanctification has its root in the words holy and saint. Its basic meaning is “to set

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