Luck and the Sovereignty of God

Luck and the Sovereignty of God

Introduction to Luck

I wrote an article on my blog about the “Psychology of Luck.” In it, I explained that, luck may be a considered a chance result, but one can influence or increase their chances of good fortune being the result. That is an active manipulation of chance or odds. But there are things which are out of one’s control.

Such things are universal laws such as gravity, mathematical odds, or the wild cards—miracles and other people’s actions.

For example, if you throw a baseball in the air above your head, it does not stay suspended above you. Mathematical odds, depending on the variables, could say the ball has a 85% chance of hitting you on the way down. That leaves a 15% chance of a near miss; or what we might consider “being lucky.”

We have no control over other people’s actions, nor know what the other is thinking most of the time. We trust that the driver in the car next to us or coming the opposite direction, won’t swerve into our lane. The possibility exists, which means there is chance for it to happen. The result of a safe arrival to the intended destination would mean that one was lucky or fortunate.

With these examples, let’s look at this working definition of luck.

The Oxford dictionary says luck is:

  • (1) chance considered as a force that causes good or bad things to happen
  • (2) success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.

A third working definition would be: “that which happens to a person beyond that person’s control.”

However, from a Christian perspective, and even a philosophical one, if luck is merely a calculable chance, the result of an uncontrollable outcome, or is manipulable by circumstance and effort, “how does luck fit in with free will or the sovereignty of God?” That is what I want to explore in this article. If you want my official stance on “Luck,” read through to the summary.

The Sovereignty of God

When it comes to God’s involvement in His creation, to what degree is His hand in a matter? Is He actively controlling situations, or just sitting on the sidelines observing? Does He manipulate the odds or defy them (i.e. miracles)? Or does He leave the results to free will, random chance, and nature’s laws to dictate what happens?

First, a definition is in order:

“The Sovereignty of God is the fact that He is the Lord over creation. As sovereign, He exercises his rule. This rule is exercised through His authority as king, His control over all things, and His presence with His covenantal people and throughout His creation.”

To understand God’s Sovereignty as it relates to His creation, specifically mankind, let’s look at Free Will first.

Luck and Free Will

Without getting into the debate of Free Will and God’s foreknowledge, my view is that mankind has the ability to choose his or her actions and thoughts daily. Free will allows a person to make future plans and respond to present circumstances. This is a gift from God, being made in His image as creative, intelligent, and responsible beings (Genesis 1:26; 2:15-17; 20).

Free Will is quite simple when it comes to luck. Every moment in our lives requires an active or passive response to whatever stimulus appears. Each circumstance uses physical and mental energy and requires wisdom, knowing that we are responsible for our own actions (e.g. Ezekiel 18:20; Galatians 6:7-8).

The duty of mankind, as creative, intelligent, and responsible beings, is to make wise choices daily for the good of themselves and others; to make wise plans for the future by thinking through and receiving counsel; so that one’s plans have better odds of succeeding. To treat others better than one’s self (Matthew 7:12); so that you can trust your neighbor to not harm you.

However, we all live in a broken world.

This sounds great ideally, but even if it was followed to the “T,” things happen out of our control. Things happen, that we didn’t foresee or were even a bit careless with. Eventually, something will fall through the cracks and cause misfortune. Is it potentially predictable or explainable? Probably. But it is easier to say it was bad luck than to run the calculations. However, nothing is unpredictable or unforeseen by God. This is where His Sovereignty and care for His creation comes in.

[For a deeper study on God’s sovereignty and the will of man, check out the article “Does God Intervene in Our Lives?.”

Luck and the Sovereignty of God

The Scripture is clear that all things were created by God, and are held together in His hands (Colossians 1:16-17). Everything lines up perfectly in order to sustain life. The universe does not fall into chaos because God holds it together. This is a result of His planning, not random happenstance. Luck or random chance, from the biblical perspective, was not involved with creation of the universe. This is, of course, contrary to such beliefs as a Big Bang or evolutionary progression of life.

When it comes to luck in every day life, what role does God play in it? What do we do about verses like Proverbs 16:33 which says: 

“The lot is cast into the lap, But its every decision is from the Lord.”

Does God control the odds at the gambling table in a casino? My response would say “No.” Of course, God can do whatever He wants, but my reason is three-fold:

God’s Role in Gambling

The casting of lots is used as a means to determine an answer or to make a decision. There are several instances in the Bible which talk about this. (1) the sailors cast lots to see who brought the calamity (Jonah 1:7). (2) The soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ garments at the cross (Matthew 27:35). (3) The disciples cast lots to determine who Judas Iscariot’s replacement would be (Acts 1:26).

Without God, casting lots is simply nothing more than a probable result considering all variables (e.g. the fall of the dice, force, air movement, etc). However, casting lots is also a way of allowing divine intervention in decision making as well as settling disputes (c.f. 18:18). When opponents are “at odds” or reach a relational impasse with one another, casting the lot may be useful in deciding between the two factions. It allows a peaceful separation.

It is important to note that the last instance in the Bible of casting lots was in Acts 1:26. While not prohibiting its use, it reminds us that we are privileged to have the whole Canon of Scripture and help of the Holy Spirit. There may be rare occasions when a Christian can cast lots when it comes to decision making. But these are the guidelines:

  1. The use of the lot ought never to supersede biblical commandments,
  2. Nor the application of scriptural principles.

“When biblical injunctions have been followed to their limit and you are left with several options—all of which are acceptable to God—the lot may be used to decide among them. But when there is Biblical direction, the lot should never replace obedience to it.”

[For a great commentary on the Book of Proverbs, check out the “Mentor’s Commentary” on Amazon]

God’s Role in Caring

Care for Creation

God’s sovereign rule is carried out from His plan to have salvation available for everyone and to care for His people and creation. Of course, sin is a factor in how He enacts His ruling.

First, observe the verse in Matthew 6:26:

"Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap or gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?"

God’s creation is not subject to luck in their everyday life, as in hoping for the best outcome. God placed the innate ability in them to know where to seek out food, to migrate, and to wait on Him to provide (Psalm 104).

Care for Mankind

For mankind, the same is true when it comes to God’s care. God gave humans the ability (and command) to work and take care those things they are responsible for. These things are their family, creation, and looking after the needs of others less fortunate. When a heart and mind is set on following God and seeking first His kingdom; then anxiety needs not to be a thing. The Heavenly Father takes care of your needs (Matthew 6:25-34). Needs being that which sustains life: food and clothing.

Along the way, God sees fit to allow events to happen or not in the present moment. Perhaps an unfortunate circumstance is allowed (a.k.a. bad luck), because it is necessary to bring a person to faith in Christ. God can prevent it, of course. However, such circumstances also grow a believer to be more like their Savior (e.g. 1 Peter 2:21-25). There is no better good than bringing glory to God and becoming more like the image of the Good Shepherd and Savior. This is what the true meaning of Romans 8:28 is:

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Also compare 2 Peter chapter three)

Man’s Role in Stewardship

Another duty in being a responsible being created in God’s image is to be a good steward of the resources He allows us to have. Probably the most famous example on this is the parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30. When God gives you something to look after, His expectation is not just to hold on to it or maintain it. He also expects to you to increase it or make it better. As a steward of what God entrusts you with, one needs to use wisdom and guidance in order to get the best result possible.

Let’s use the example of gambling. Taking one’s resources and letting chance or improbable odds be the determining factor of reward or ruin is not being a wise steward. Management is a requisite of stewardship, and hope in chance is not a wise investment strategy. In the case of the man with one talent, he could have at least given the talent to someone else to manage. That would have earned him a little respect from his master.

Unfortunately, when it comes to stewardship, people also run into complications because of two reasons: a lack of self-development; and other’s desires.

The first is straightforward. If you are never developing yourself, improving on a skill, or evaluating your weaknesses, you will succumb to self-ruin—or at least a lot of stress, anxiety, and frustration. Without continual growth and learning, taking strategic risks, or developing good and consistent routines, when opportunity or good fortune presents itself, you may not be ready to handle it. Or at least had not developed the abilities and practiced courage to seek how to take on this new opportunity or investment.

A statistic that has been floating around on the internet for several years is that 70% of lottery winners go broke within three to five years. How does that happen? The main culprit is financial illiteracy and lack of a professional plan. Another reason is other’s desires and will for your life.

Misfortune often comes to those who are in the way of others seeking their own desires (e.g. James 4:1-4). Receive the wisdom of these Proverbs:

"The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern." (Proverbs 29:7)
"A poor man who oppresses the lowly is like a driving rain which leaves no food. Those who forsake the law prays the wicked, but those who keep the law strive with them. Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand all things." (Proverbs 28:3-5)

For the one who comes into money without a plan, others will make a plan for you based on their personal desires. That is why it is important to receive advice from particular people who are trusted experts in their fields. Receive the wisdom of these Proverbs:

"Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed." (Proverbs 15:22)
"Listen to counsel and accept discipline, that you may be wise the rest of your days. Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the LORD will stand." (Proverbs 19:20-21)
"There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man swallows it up." (Proverbs 21:20)

All good blessings come from God (James 1:17). We should make every effort not to squander His blessings, whether monetary, physical abilities, or responsibilities.

In Summary

If we lived our lives solely believing that luck is a force delivering fortune or calamity; then luck is nothing more than a god bent on toying with a person’s life. It has no other aim or purpose than that. However, if there is a God who loves and cares for His creation, then luck is shorthand for a blessing resulting from a situation. But instead of saying you are “lucky,” consider the phrase “blessed by God.” Instead of saying you are “unlucky,” consider your actions and see if they they line up with God’s Will and morals.

Handle Luck the Christian Way

When multiple tragedies occur sequentially, it makes the heart heavy (Proverbs 12:25a). People will say they are “down in luck,” when that happens. It can lead to a downward spiral toward depression or worse. With that being the case, may I propose a two-sided suggestion?

(1) Those “down in luck,” it is alright to ask for help. You do not need to succumb to such evils or negativity alone. Bad things happen because of sin in the world. Sin entered the world because of human free will. Mankind made the choice to go against God, in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:5-7). Many times, it is the doing of a person which brings misfortune.

When “down in luck,” it is time to look up to heaven, and not fall to the power of some unknown force. To believe you are helpless, means you have forgotten there is a Helper (Hebrews 6:18-19); forgotten there is hope, or haven’t accepted Jesus yet to possess it. Perhaps instead of a pill, try prayer.

(2) Those not “down in luck,” you have the choice to look with your eyes and help those in need (c.f. Luke 10:35-47 – The Good Samaritan). From the Christian perspective, the hands and feet of Christ (i.e. the Church) are to lift up the broken-hearted and hear the cries of the poor, orphaned, and widowed (Psalm 147:3; Isaiah 61:1; James 1:27). The Church is to be a light amongst the dark forces of evil. To be an encouragement to those struggling with the darkness. Bad things WILL happen which is why, in general, we are never to be alone in our struggles (c.f. Proverbs 12:25b; Hebrews 10:25).

In Conclusion

Don’t leave your life in the hands of an unknown force like Karma or Luck. To what purpose do they have in being your Judge and distributer of blessings and curses? They are simply answers explaining away a personal God who loves and cares for you. He holds each person accountable for their actions based on His terms and not chance or personal opinion.

Yes, there are probabilities of good and bad results in some cases (lottery, car accident, etc.). There are also times when what seems bad is merely a means of disciplining as God’s children (Hebrews 10:4-15). The Bible seems pretty clear. Good and bad results stem from:

  • Moral actions based on God’s law,
  • Humans pursuing peace and war,
  • Taking responsibility for one’s own actions,
  • God’s judgments and blessings.
There is no outside, unknowable force that controls our lives. The Bible tells us what we are up against and how to conquer it (Ephesians 6:10-20; 1 Peter 5:6-9). This is spiritual warfare.

For the Christian, regardless of the circumstances, they can rest assured that they follow one who has conquered all powers in the universe. There is nothing outside His control or nothing He does not have victory over already. If God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)?

The mind set should, then, be that of the apostle Pauls:

"But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:37-39)

Tragedies are unfortunate and feel terrible in the moment. But for the Christian, there is an anchor for the soul during difficult times (Psalm 39; Hebrews 6:9-20).

For Further Study

  • “Does God Intervene in Our Lives?” [Article]
  • “The Sovereignty of God” [Article]
  • “God’s Sovereignty and Our Responsibility [Article]
  • “A Deep Dive in the Biblical Worldview” [Article]
  • “The Ultimate Guide to Salvation in Jesus Christ” [Article]
  • “Proverbs: A Mentor’s Commentary” by John A. Kitchen [Check it out on Amazon]

If you are curious about Karma and where it is found, check out:

  • “What is Karma?” [Article]
  • “What Is Hinduism?” [Article]
  • “An Introduction to Jainism” [Article]
  • “What is Buddhism?” [Article]

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