Welcome to Maps of Faith RELIGIONS In The World GODS Of Our Own Making ORIGIN Story Join the Journey! I started Maps of Faith as part of my journey in learning about different religions in the world. It is also a place where I share truth based on the Bible, and my own Christian POV. Find Out More Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through ME." - John 14:6 - Every Worldview Must Answer These Four Questions Origin Where did we come from? How did we get here? Meaning What is my purpose in life? Why am I here? Morality How should I act in this world? What is right and wrong? Destiny Where do I go when I die? Is there an Afterlife? Major World Religions East Asia Check out beliefs such as: ShintoismTaoism (Daoism)ConfucianismBuddhism in Asia Explore East Asia India Check out beliefs such as:HinduismSikhismBuddhism Jainism Explore India Middle East Check out: beliefs such as:AbrahamicZoroastrianismMinor ReligionsMythologies Explore Middle East Check Out Recent Posts! Studio and Other Equipment Biblical Financial Stewardship: What Does God Expect? 5 características Dios desea en cada creyente Descubre la verdad sobre Jesús histórico (2023) ¿cuáles son las 7 afirmaciones yo soy en el evangelio de juan? Check Out The Channel! Go to Youtube! Join the Newsletter!Get access to exclusive ideas, facts, and updates from Maps of FaithSubscribeBuilt with Kit Join the Newsletter!Get exclusive access to ideas, facts, and updates from Maps of FaithSubscribeWe won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.Built with Kit